
Between Enemy Lines

Your imaginary friend is stuck between two powerful enemy groups! If he is to escape, he must act very fast and choose a road number that is not yet infested with ferocious enemies. Unfortunately, he cannot be sure about the enemy's current position. But you can do that from your imaginary-powerful-able-to-hack-all  computer.&nbs....Read More

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Doctor Stephen Strings First Problem

Dr Stephen String is worlds leading "String Specialist". Everyone says he knows all about the mysterious world of strings. So, the BUBT authority decided to hire him to teach the students all about strings. But he is a very busy man and won't spend his time just for anyone. He will only teach the stu....Read More

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Area Anarchy

You are given the width and breadth of a rectangular room and width and height of a rectangular sized tile.<p></p><p>You need to determine if the room can be covered in tiles without breaking any tile.</p>....Read More

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Trouble With Three

You will be given a number N. Calculate N%3.....Read More

Success: 14.95% | Time: 1s | Memory: 512MB

Extract information from a given website print the result.Your hacker friend made a website and hid some secret phrases in it. The website's landing page looks like this:The link (flhxd) goes to another page of links, and each link leads to another page containing one or more links and/or a secret phrase....Read More

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Can You Solve This.Suppose You Ask Iron Men Like This-&gt;1)Choose a Number2)Add 5 With Choosed Number3)Double the result4)Subtract 4 from result5)Divide the result by 26)Subtract the number you started withCan You Guess The Final Result Iron Men Have Now?. :D :D :OJust Print The result.....Read More

Success: 46.60% | Time: 1s | Memory: 512MB
Calculate The Expenditure

Robin and his friends were making a visit from Dhaka to Coxbazar.&nbsp; Robin’s one characteristics is that he wants to keep records of his expenditures of every step of his life. Now he wants to keep the expenditure of this tour.&nbsp; But as he is not so good in keeping the transactions, so he requ....Read More

Success: 28.26% | Time: 1s | Memory: 512MB
Mark Range

Asad studies B.Sc. in CSE program at BUBT. Today their programming teacher returns their mid term examination scripts. There are varieties types of numbers that students got in the examination. The teacher wants to find the mark range of numbers (Maximum and Minimum) that students got in the examination. Bu....Read More

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Leeana Learned Few New Things Few Days Ago , Like:Find The Summation Of Divisors With Prime FactorizationModular ArithmeticSo Now Her Uncle Gave Her A Task.Task Is: You Will Be Given A Number(N) And Another Number(K). Now You Have To Find&nbsp; Kth Power Summation Of Divisors.Summation Of Divisors W....Read More

Success: 3.33% | Time: 2s | Memory: 1024MB

The Square and the Triangle are always fighting with each other.&nbsp; Square says he’s best, and calls Triangleugly and upsets him.&nbsp; One day, Square decided not to fight with Triangle anymore.&nbsp; He called Triangle and said, “Let’s work together and not fight anymore. Let’s find my area (Look....Read More

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