Mark Range

Author: Nazmul Alam

Asad studies B.Sc. in CSE program at BUBT. Today their programming teacher returns their mid term examination scripts. There are varieties types of numbers that students got in the examination. The teacher wants to find the mark range of numbers (Maximum and Minimum) that students got in the examination. But it is very difficult to find the mark range manually. Teacher gives assignment to write a program that can be used to find the mark range.

Input Format

First line contain number of test case 1<=T<=100.For each case the input contains two lines. The first line contains a number N  (1<=N<=100) denotes the number of students in the class.  The second line contains N different positive numbers that denotes the marks students got in the examination. 

Output Format

Output contains two lines. The first line contains Lower limit and the second line contains Upper limit of numbers. see sample input and output .


2 5 20 15 5 10 25 4 3 0 27 33
Lower Limit: 5 Upper Limit: 25 Lower Limit: 0 Upper Limit: 33
Language Time Memory
GNU C 11 1s 512MB
GNU C++ 14 1s 512MB
GNU C++ 11 1s 512MB
PHP 7 1s 1024MB
Java (OpenJDK 8) 1s 4096MB
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