Even Odd

Author: Nazmul Alam

Farisa and Modina both are learning a lot about numbers and they just learnt about even and odd numbers. But soon this became a problem because Farisa likes “even” numbers and Modina likes “odd” numbers and they started fighting over it. So their coach Mr. Burger gave them a problem to keep them busy. He gave them N numbers and asked them to find out the sum of these numbers, and then finally they have to find out if that sum is even or odd.

Input Format

The first line of input contains an integer N(1<=N<=1000000). The following line contains N non-negative integers, these numbers are less than 263 - 1.

Output Format

If the sum of these numbers are even, print “Even”, otherwise print “Odd” without the quotes.


5 1 2 3 4 5

Explanation: If we add the 5 number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, we get an Odd number. Therefore Output should be "Odd"

Language Time Memory
GNU C 11 1s 512MB
GNU C++ 14 1s 512MB
GNU C++ 11 1s 512MB
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