Welcome to the Enchanting Land of Mathematics
Author: Efat Sikder
Problem Setter: Efat SikderMember, IUBAT IITS Programming Club
You have received an invitation to embark on a journey to the extraordinary realm of mathematics, a land brimming with wonder and intellectual delights. Upon witnessing the captivating beauty of this domain, you are captivated and yearn to become a permanent resident.
To achieve your aspiration, you must seek an audience with the benevolent king who governs this mathematical kingdom. He poses a challenge: to demonstrate your mastery of numbers by solving the enigma of addition.
With unwavering determination, you set out to devise a program that can seamlessly calculate the sum of two numbers. This program will serve as your testament to the king, showcasing your aptitude for mathematical prowess.
Input Format
The first line of input contains a single integer, T, representing the number of test cases (1 ≤ T ≤ 103).
Each of the following T lines comprises two space-separated integers, A and B, representing the numbers to be added (1 ≤ A, B ≤ 21000).
Note that there will be no leading zeros in A and B.
Output Format
For each test case, print the sum of A and B on a separate line.
Print a new line after printing all testcase.
Language | Time | Memory |
GNU C 11 | 1s | 512MB |
GNU C++ 14 | 1s | 512MB |
GNU C++ 11 | 1s | 512MB |