BIUPC Half Yearly Preliminary [2022]


Position Who Solved Points A (162/222) B (135/287) C (128/197) D (125/235) E (88/172) F (119/150) G (73/363) H (66/121) I (39/414) J (11/34) K (3/22)
1st Algebros 11 916 21 (-1) 6 8 28 54 (-1) 11 41 (-1) 136 61 (-1) 361 (-7) 189 (-1)
2nd Three_Musketeers 10 209 1 4 (-1) 5 19 (-1) 11 (-1) 15 (-1) 24 64 12 54 (-1)
3rd Team venus 10 851 3 7 33 (-1) 18 27 15 233 (-4) 44 228 (-2) 243 (-2)
4th team wall-e 9 196 1 24 (-1) 7 12 17 20 23 54 38
5th Nion Bahini 9 265 3 5 2 5 14 9 155 (-1) 28 44 (-1) (-1)
6th segfault 9 307 3 9 2 10 112 (-2) 42 (-1) 12 53 64 (-1) (-2)
7th RAT 9 433 4 8 13 19 70 44 77 140 (-1) 58 (-1)
8th Null Terminated 9 444 22 (-1) 3 5 5 20 7 234 (-4) 114 (-3) 34 (-1)
9th Identity Imbalance 9 1056 5 8 12 17 (-1) 253 (-2) 69 247 (-2) 224 221 (-1) (-1)
10th Peripheral Monks 8 207 2 4 6 31 (-1) 20 23 68 (-1) 53
11th Binary_Falcons 007 8 293 2 5 7 12 22 50 (-1) (-1) 59 136
12th Rain Drop 8 306 2 14 12 11 23 6 174 (-3) 64 (-13) (-4)
13th THREE BYTE 8 454 6 4 10 31 45 (-1) 51 64 (-1) 243 (-2) (-1)
14th Error forever 8 490 3 7 10 15 25 29 80 (-2) (-2) 321 (-5)
15th Alpha Team 8 648 10 48 (-1) 33 37 62 47 (-2) 102 309 (-6) (-2)
16th Team_ERROR 8 648 3 6 9 60 (-1) 68 (-1) 80 (-1) 165 (-1) 257 (-3)
17th Art's_of_coding 8 659 8 42 50 98 (-2) 92 (-1) 125 106 (-1) 138 (-1) (-4)
18th Tech pirates" 8 660 30 (-1) 22 104 35 181 (-1) 78 122 (-1) 88 (-1) (-1)
19th RedXCode 8 680 5 8 18 22 46 71 (-1) 419 (-9) 91 (-4)
20th Black Mask 8 897 71 (-2) 76 109 112 123 (-1) 34 188 (-1) 184 (-1) (-2)
21st Game of Codes 8 993 2 11 12 318 (-7) 95 53 188 (-1) 314 (-4)
22nd Phoenix 8 1007 64 (-2) 51 (-1) 46 51 155 159 295 (-3) (-3) 186 (-3)
23rd Error 404 8 1062 25 (-1) 24 63 (-1) 93 (-1) 196 113 280 (-2) 268 (-2)
24th The Errors 8 1089 7 45 (-1) 42 129 (-1) 238 174 219 235 (-3)
25th Team Error 8 1131 29 8 14 193 (-4) 249 (-2) 145 175 318 (-4)
26th Mahin Ahmed 8 1391 83 (-2) 157 220 (-3) 163 175 186 209 (-1) 198 (-3) (-1)
27th অবলা_নারী 8 1497 170 176 200 201 232 127 194 (-2) 197 (-3)
28th data_pirates 7 187 2 7 9 18 27 31 (-3) 93 (-3)
29th aspirants 7 211 3 8 12 18 30 41 (-1) 99 (-4)
30th TEAM-FF 7 288 61 2 5 11 104 (-1) 13 (-14) 92 (-4) (-1)
31st N-Force 7 294 4 9 12 19 (-1) (-1) 29 (-1) 113 (-2) 108 (-6) (-3)
32nd BUBT We Byte! 7 409 2 4 8 19 128 60 188 (-1)
33rd LOGIC CODER (LC) 7 439 18 22 25 40 55 59 (-11) 220 (-1) (-3)
34th Phantom 7 461 3 8 11 84 (-2) 95 55 205 (-2) (-1)
35th Code_To_Win 7 489 3 10 18 28 167 52 (-2) 211 (-1)
36th RTS Coder. 7 494 4 9 23 23 202 13 220 (-3) (-4)
37th BUBT_Team Unpredictable 7 524 5 35 25 25 220 43 171 (-2) (-4)
38th Rebels 7 535 21 27 60 (-1) 63 (-1) 63 94 (-1) 207 (-3) (-10)
39th Trident coders(NHJ) 7 605 38 (-2) 51 (-1) 41 100 (-2) 123 (-2) 78 174 (-3) (-4)
40th alveg 7 638 4 8 33 14 192 47 (-1) 340 (-5) (-3)
41st Upside Down 7 650 6 12 20 157 (-4) 121 95 239 (-3) (-7)
42nd ZeroBug 7 664 5 18 36 61 233 131 180 (-1) (-1)
43rd Team Apocalypse 7 682 12 25 33 52 206 103 (-1) 251 (-2)
44th Code_Warriors 7 808 63 (-2) 33 67 (-1) 54 69 358 (-6) 164 (-1)
45th B Squad 7 826 12 76 (-1) 51 183 (-3) 194 166 144 (-1)
46th THE_FOX 7 911 3 20 45 220 (-5) 237 173 213 (-3)
47th Team_nightowl 7 1001 17 145 (-4) 119 (-2) 100 (-1) 226 (-2) 190 204 (-1)
48th Sible Hasan Shuvo 7 1100 92 116 135 133 214 146 (-1) 264 (-2) (-2)
49th Infinity Zone 6 162 5 11 15 29 48 54 (-3) (-3)
50th AfterMath 6 171 2 4 25 (-1) 8 (-2) 25 (-9) 107 (-1) (-8)
51st BUBTSingularity 6 196 3 6 7 39 (-1) 67 74 (-3) (-2) (-7) (-2)
52nd We_Code_:3 6 206 5 7 10 41 (-1) 78 (-1) 65 (-5) (-4)
53rd Hash 6 240 27 (-1) 12 17 25 96 63 (-1) (-1) (-4) (-3)
54th TRILLION 6 252 2 (-1) 8 12 41 (-1) 154 35 (-3) (-4)
55th Team Siegfried 6 306 13 21 38 47 105 82 (-3)
56th Netherites 6 371 5 (-1) 15 20 25 228 (-1) 78 (-2) (-2) (-5)
57th little boyz 6 378 4 15 27 46 183 103 (-3) (-3)
58th NERV 6 396 4 27 (-1) 9 12 264 (-4) 80 (-12) (-2) (-13)
59th Team_Albetross 6 406 24 (-1) 9 12 73 202 86 (-5) (-1)
60th Problem solvers 2.0 6 449 7 18 31 49 262 (-3) 82 (-4) (-4)
61st Falcon Defenders 6 455 6 18 31 49 111 240 (-2) (-1) (-4)
62nd Team Z 6 507 26 (-1) 163 (-6) 85 (-2) 39 96 (-1) 98 (-11)
63rd Zero to Infinity 6 549 23 34 45 87 (-2) 69 291 (-7) (-3)
64th Lýtis_Trión 6 569 10 25 32 97 (-2) 273 (-3) 132 (-1) (-4) (-2) (-9)
65th Eagle_Eyes 6 572 5 14 25 50 207 271 (-4) (-1)
66th SPARROW 6 604 17 50 (-1) 43 128 (-2) 134 232 (-3) (-3)
67th United 6 784 11 75 (-1) 134 167 (-2) 219 178 (-7)
68th Coding Master 6 841 30 (-1) 80 172 (-3) 155 (-1) 177 (-5) 227 (-6)
69th SaW3 6 1116 56 (-1) 151 (-3) 291 (-5) 117 (-11) 239 (-2) 262 (-4) (-9)
70th Born2Win 5 142 1 5 14 10 (-1) 112 (-3) (-1) (-2)
71st Runtime terror 5 144 7 20 24 32 61 (-3) (-3)
72nd Code Rangers 5 152 9 14 20 38 71 (-5) (-6)
73rd fighter 5 164 8 18 25 35 (-1) 78 (-2) (-1)
74th THE EXTREMES 5 199 56 (-2) 19 28 34 62 (-5) (-9)
75th Hypertext Assassins 5 217 6 21 (-1) 75 (-1) 35 80 (-14) (-9)
76th Destiny 5 219 4 13 27 45 (-2) 130 (-2) (-2)
77th Remote_Coders 5 236 19 27 37 60 (-2) 93 (-1) (-2)
78th Pro-grammers Revolution 5 263 17 25 32 41 148 (-1) (-1)
79th Virus Squad 5 275 4 20 54 39 158 (-1) (-1)
80th noob_trinity 5 315 6 65 (-1) 55 39 (-1) 150 (-5) (-3)
81st Airgetlám 5 324 16 26 44 60 (-3) 178 (-1) (-2)
82nd PaRvEz MoShErRaF 5 342 42 (-1) 40 53 81 126 (-3) (-1) (-2)
83rd Clasher47 5 351 11 75 (-1) 145 (-1) 62 (-1) 58 (-1) (-1) (-8)
84th Domestic_Potatoes 5 444 4 115 (-3) 77 (-1) 37 211 (-3) (-3) (-2)
85th Ibrahim Team 5 456 21 147 (-1) 127 56 105 (-2) (-1) (-9)
86th Team_ATM 5 482 24 (-1) 9 86 131 (-2) (-1) (-5) 232 (-8)
87th Binary_brains 5 560 8 169 (-6) 56 145 182 (-3)
88th Bright Fringe 5 579 14 167 (-3) 126 (-1) 116 (-1) 156 (-2) (-5) (-4)
89th bubt_cubic 5 595 31 (-1) 54 152 (-2) 122 (-1) 236
90th Hydra 5 611 33 200 (-6) 104 113 161 (-5) (-1)
91st team_bit 5 641 47 134 (-1) 134 139 187
92nd Cactus 5 652 10 179 (-2) 113 (-1) 144 (-1) 206 (-1) (-2)
93rd Invincible coders 5 667 178 237 24 65 (-3) 163 (-5)
94th Tryto_win 5 668 7 173 (-4) 112 188 (-1) 188 (-3)
95th gangs_007 5 673 45 (-1) 128 (-3) 230 112 158 (-1)
96th Noob C Programmer 5 711 38 (-1) 139 (-2) 139 178 217 (-1) (-4)
97th Team Faith 5 713 27 (-1) 249 (-8) 210 (-6) 94 (-2) 133 (-1) (-5)
98th Team_Hustlers 5 728 107 112 115 164 (-2) (-1) (-3) 230
99th Nexus 5 728 8 75 222 (-3) 204 (-2) 219 (-1) (-2)
100th Red 5 732 101 (-2) 103 (-1) 185 (-1) 142 (-1) (-1) 201 (-1)
101st Toxic Err 5 845 139 174 (-1) 172 163 197 (-4)
102nd URRA 4 168 3 7 20 (-1) (-2) 138 (-1)
103rd Algorithm Unlock 4 202 6 24 44 128 (-1) (-1) (-1)
104th Error 404 4 222 39 (-1) 52 (-1) 50 81 (-3) (-3)
105th Code_Breakers 4 232 6 11 47 168 (-1) (-1) (-1)
106th Black_Squad 4 255 9 41 74 (-1) 131 (-1) (-2)
107th HSL.C 4 264 47 49 55 113 (-1) (-1)
108th AKA 2.0 4 273 31 44 53 (-1) (-1) 145 (-1) (-3) (-1)
109th IFA Brothers 4 277 28 69 101 79 (-4)
110th Coder 4 360 5 47 79 229 (-2) (-2) (-4) (-1) (-5)
111th Explicit 4 419 10 147 (-2) 128 (-1) 134 (-1) (-2) (-7) (-2) (-4)
112th Wizards 4 428 11 142 (-3) 83 (-2) 192 (-1) (-2) (-1) (-1)
113th Error_303 4 429 3 168 (-2) 127 (-1) 131 (-2) (-3)
114th Blue Eyed Boys 4 429 11 214 (-4) 121 (-1) 83 (-1) (-1) (-1)
115th Ghost_Zen 4 461 6 48 (-1) 219 (-2) 188 (-1) (-1)
116th MHN 4 492 7 60 191 234
117th allrusher_bubt 4 530 177 (-5) 91 (-1) 108 154 (-1) (-1)
118th Deep Threat 3 197 20 95 (-1) 82 (-2) (-2)
119th Coding cats 3 206 15 36 (-6) 155 (-3) (-1) (-1) (-6)
120th Binary Brains 3 270 35 54 181 (-3)
121st MD. Shafiul Azam 3 274 26 187 (-2) 61 (-10) (-1) (-3)
122nd White Walkers 3 313 8 236 (-4) 69 (-3) (-1)
123rd K Squad 3 350 111 (-2) 91 148 (-1) (-3) (-1)
124th Code Leader 3 469 138 177 154 (-1)
125th code error 3 580 61 313 (-4) (-1) (-4) (-1) 206 (-2) (-4)
126th 3 IDIOTS 3 623 231 (-2) 205 187
127th Error404 3 646 217 211 218
128th Team Error 2 13 3 10
129th Anik biswas 2 30 14 16 (-1)
130th the cyber conquerer 2 42 6 36 (-1) (-1)
131st The Crazy Threes 2 117 8 109 (-2)
132nd Mahmudul Hasan Hamim 2 156 50 (-2) 106 (-2)
133rd CODER -NFK 2 283 218 (-3) 65 (-3) (-2)
134th Team Khalid 2 335 108 (-2) 227 (-1)
135th Ahnaf Abid Tawsif 1 2 2 (-5) (-2) (-2) (-1) (-2) (-1)
136th White_Coder 1 7 7 (-1) (-1) (-1) (-1)
137th Access_Deined 1 8 8 (-3) (-2)
138th The Unbeatable 1 13 13 (-1)
139th cyberarmy71 1 17 17 (-1)
140th Maze_triad 1 17 17 (-3) (-1) (-1)
141st BS384 1 21 21 (-1) (-1) (-1)
142nd Paracetamol 1 24 24 (-1) (-3) (-3)
143rd BUBT_3D Partners 1 28 28 (-5) (-8) (-1)
144th Aysha Siddika ESHA 1 28 28 (-1) (-1)
145th Cool Coder 1 28 28 (-4)
146th Error Generator 1 36 36 (-1) (-2) (-1) (-1)
147th Runtime Terror 1 56 56 (-4)
148th cyberbricks 1 62 62 (-2) (-3)
149th Shadow 1 64 64
150th Programing Insect's 1 74 74 (-1) (-2)
151st 3champs 1 95 95 (-1) (-3)
152nd Zinat Bin Tazia 1 139 139 (-1)
153rd coder_22 1 150 150 (-2) (-2)
154th TEAM CYPHER 1 168 168 (-1) (-2)
155th csecon2022 1 173 (-1) (-1) 173
pallab99 0 0
sahenulislam 0 0
Ridhon 0 0
mini 0 0
Abid Ul Islam 0 0
Hasibul Hasan Seyam 0 0
fypgt 0 0
New Person 0 0 (-1)
Junaeid_Hasan 0 0
Error 404 0 0
shifat hasan nahid 0 0
Sifat Sharif 0 0
ashikur rahman 0 0
cypher_trio 0 0
Syed Alve Ahad 0 0
Global_trio 0 0
Squadra 0 0 (-1)
Death Note 0 0
Iconic 0 0
Fabulous 3 0 0 (-3)
Code Hunter 0 0 (-1) (-3)
Anxiety 2.0 0 0 (-5) (-5) (-2)
ZeRo 0 0
ABID 0 0
Noman ahmed 0 0
Md. Tariful Islam 0 0
Sajjad 0 0
Learner 0 0
Syed Rubad 0 0
TNS 0 0
Riaz 0 0
Sabikul Islam 0 0
Safi Ahmed Rakib 0 0 (-3)
Muhimin nabi 0 0
Eshtiaque 0 0
errors_2 0 0 (-1)
HSL.c 0 0
Taslima Azgar Esa 0 0
Choyon 0 0
Shajnin lorin 0 0
Md Akhlakul Islam 0 0
kalamanik 0 0
Mehedi 0 0
JisAtlas2 0 0
Md. Nasim Reza 0 0