
Problem User Language Verdict Time Memory When Action
Easy Balance QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.39 MB 4 years ago
Easy Balance QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.39 MB 4 years ago
K’th Element (I) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.03s 3.45 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.58 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.57 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.52 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.57 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.45 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Wrong Answer 0.00s 3.59 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Wrong Answer 0.00s 3.55 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.42 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (II) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Wrong Answer 0.00s 3.50 MB 4 years ago
Selecting Guard (I) QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 3.53 MB 4 years ago
Hardest Calculation Ever!!! QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 11 Wrong Answer 0.00s 3.46 MB 4 years ago
IRON MAN Shadow Squad GNU C++ 14 Accepted 0.00s 1.54 MB 4 years ago
IRON MAN Shadow Squad GNU C 11 Wrong Answer 0.00s 1.45 MB 4 years ago
Mr. MMMH and Suborno QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 3.54s 79.84 MB 4 years ago
Mr. MMMH and Suborno QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Time Limit Exceeded 0.00s 0.64 MB 4 years ago
Mr. MMMH and Suborno QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Time Limit Exceeded 0.00s 0.71 MB 4 years ago
Mr. MMMH and Suborno QuwsarOhi GNU C++ 14 Accepted 3.53s 79.78 MB 4 years ago